There are only 100 “SPOZZ.Helmetz”, the first collection created with the SPOZZ.club Tokenizzer. Only those who stand out and bring the most value to the community will be able to wear their hulls. At the time of publishing this article, about 20 items have been delivered, so you still have time to get your hands on one of them…

There are only 100 helmets, so the shortage is already noticeable and will be even more noticeable in the future. A few have already managed to get their hands on one of the helmets, in recognition of their work within the SPOZZ community. In this article, we tell you about the characteristics of this collection, its present and future uses and how to get one of these NFTs.

The “SPOZZ.Helmetz” collection is a set of 100 digital assets belonging to the SPOZZ.club ecosystem. This collection will only be given to members who bring real value to the community. 

The helmets feature four levels of rarity: “Common”, “Rare”, “Epic” and “Mythical”. All levels grant their holders a whitelist for the purchase of NFTs from the soon-to-be-launched SPOZZ.club core collection, which will be key to the entire Web3 ecosystem it is developing.

In addition, Helmetz with Rare, Epic and Mythic rarity levels include a Free Mint for an NFT from the SPOZZ core collection, regardless of the lots that make up the collection.

It is estimated that “SPOZZ.Helmetz” exclusives will be able to add collectible value to the main collection. Holders will be able to combine Helmetz and SPOZZies in future lots and spin-off collections, as well as obtain some exclusive merchandise.

In the future, the possibilities are limitless. For example, the BTC Ordinals protocol could be leveraged to register some of these derivative collections on the Bitcoin blockchain, thus adding another layer of exclusivity.


The first step, if you are not yet part of the SPOZZ community, is to join the SPOZZ.Helmetz Discord server. 

Contributing value within the community is the main way to get one of them. In the first instance, Helmetz were given to those who participated in the AMA that took place towards the end of 2022 in which various tools of the SPOZZ.club Tokenizzer (multi-chain launchpad) were presented.

Subsequently, select members of the SPOZZ community who participated in the Tokenizzer testing phase gained access to their Tokenizzer headset. And, in the last few weeks, it was announced that the first three members of the community with the role of @Workers who reached certain goals in the mini-games on the Discord server could get their Helmetz. 

Most of the items that make up this collection of only 100 items have yet to be delivered, so if you join SPOZZ and actively participate in its community, you have a chance to get one of the Helmetz. 


There are 40 “common” Helmetz, 32 “rare”, 22 “epic” and 6 “mystic”. By color, the common ones are white, the rare ones are blue and the epic and mystic ones are gold. 

By class:

  • Common
  • Rare
  • Epic
  • Mystic

By color:

  • White
  • Blue
  • Gold